Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge

Monday, September 14, 2009

Leave The Indian Elephants Alone You Japanese!

In a previous post EE took exception to the Chinese practice of using parts of a tiger’s anatomy to produce medication according to ancient Chinese medicine. And to satisfy this despicable demand of a lousy, despicable medical system, the poor tigers of India have to pay the price. Hundreds of tigers are being slaughtered by poachers in India attracted by the high prices that tiger flesh brings. They seem to believe that their puny cocks will have better erection if a macho animal like a tiger’s innards are consumed. This is just a symbolic thing that belongs more to the realm of literature than to any system of medicine. When medications like Viagra and Cialis are freely available in the open market, what need is there for an unproved ancient medicine system? Let the poor Indian tiger be, the Chinese cannot borrow a tiger’s penis to use it as their own. Chase good goals, not chimeras brother Chinese.

The Chinese are not the only culprits that encourages poaching in India. A neighboring country is also involved shamelessly in the same. It is a country who takes great pride in its unique culture but is very hypocritical in a few ways. They wantonly slaughter the majestic whales in the name of ‘research’. They really kill them to stuff their bellies with whale flesh. EE has commented on this in a previous post.

Now I hear that the Japanese are guilty of a similar thing. No less an authority than the famed Discovery Channel reports that a lot of Indian ivory is being imported into Japan through another ‘Chinese’ country, Taiwan. Now Taiwan is pimping for Japan to get ivory. And what is the result? Hundreds of poor elephants are poached and mercilessly ‘murdered’ so that ivory carvings can add beauty to the interiors of the filthy Japanese who use it. Environmentally, Japan is guilty in many ways.

So Japan and China! I am an Indian. I love our tigers and our elephants. Please bring this cruel and hateful practice to an end. Elephants and tigers are an inalienable part of the Mother Earth. To me as an Indian, an environmentalist and a lover of all creation, the life of one tiger or elephant is equal to the lives of a million Japanese or Chinese.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hats Off to Mr.Ban Ki-moon

U.N.Secretary Generals come and go and soon forgotten. But the present Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is an exception. He will remain in the annals of history for a long time to come for he is the most environmentally conscious public figure ever.
In all international forums, his bold voice is heard protesting against the evils done to the MOTHER EARTH and exhorting the myopic world leaders to scale down any activity that directly or indirectly promote a worsening of the environmental situation. His words at the last session of the World Climate Conference are prophetic for its apocalyptic emphasis. And there is extreme irony in the metaphor he used to express it.
‘OUR FOOT IS STUCK ON THE ACCELATOR AND WE ARE HEADING TOWARDS AN ABYSS,’ Who pollutes the environment more than the guy sitting behind the steering wheel of a motor vehicle powered by the despicable internal combustion engine – oh, I know he has no choice.

Recently he visited Svalbard, an island situated in Norway. He watched in grief the death of another glacier, collapsed as a result of the personal greed of a group of industrialists and their colluding henchmen occupying the Olympian heights of politics.

The distant scenarios that the scientists have been predicting are happening now according to this wise and concerned international diplomat. He made a dig at those who claimed that there is no climatic change or if there is, it is necessary for economic growth. He said those who called scientists scaremongers are the real scaremongers for they are taking the whole world with all the people in it towards ultimate destruction, a veritable end of the world as prophesied in all religions.

This modern day great has made extensive visits around the world to the current ecological hot spots. He watched anxiously as the desert ate into Chad, the diminishing of the Amazonian forests in Brazil and the disappearance of the layers of ice in the Poles.
He warned, “change is altering the geopolitical landscape” itself. A whopping 130 million people will be affected. And the worst sufferers will be the poorest countries that have done no harm. The have to pay the price for the avariciousness of certain industrialists and the politicians kowtowing to them in the name of progress.

Hats off to the greatest modern-day-individual BAN KI-MOON.