Friday, November 19, 2010

The Death Knell Sounds…for Mother Earth

The Arctic lies like a wounded and helpless animal waiting for her inevitable death. The protective ice cover covering the land mass is being constantly eroded by certain heinous activities from afar.

A group of hyenas is jostling around the area for the ultimate kill and dismemberment. Right now they are in no position to close in on the prey because of the frozen ice and dwindling icebergs. Their ships cannot traverse the intervening seas right now but they are patient and can wait for the prize is worth it. They can afford to bide their time. There is enough time too to sharpen their nails and canines to make the kill all the more smoother and enjoyable. None will stand in the way and if someone does God help the mariner.

The greenhouses gases are inexorably melting the polar ice. And once enough ice has been melted, the ships can plow their way to the kill. They are waiting for the ice to melt a little more and they won’t have to wait for long.

For there is liquid gold under the Arctic, there is oil. And once the icy obstruction is done away with they can go in, plunder and sell the booty in the open market and can be rich as they have never been rich in the whole of their history.

Once the oil rigs are in place with their supporting infrastructure and personnel out to make a fast buck, one can literally kiss the pristine Arctic goodbye.

And who are the villains of the piece, the hyenas closing in for the kill?

Russia, Canada, Denmark…

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Cause of Floods Around The World

If carbon emission apologists in the USA and UK argue that the ugly phenomenon is a ‘crock of shit’, here is another nail on the coffin of their cheap and vain arguments. Bob Lutz must be gloating over the fact that the recent floods in the New England, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Kansas have been caused by his own particular brand of whatever ‘shit’ he might choose to call it.
In spite of the likes of the Lutzes and the Nicks of this world, the floods that have been making life a misery for millions of folk around the world are a reality. These villains of the piece can be proud of being the progenitors of such national calamities caused by the actions of infamous persons of their ilk. Jay Lawrimore, a climate analyst of repute from North Carolina states that the changing climate syndrome is caused by greenhouse gases. He opines that ‘extreme events are occurring with greater frequency and in many cases with greater intensity’. He lays the blame squarely on the excessive heat caused by increased amounts of greenhouse gases let out into the pristine air by greedy industrialists who are out to suffocate the whole of God’s creation with the horrid gases spewed out by their loathsome factories.
It is all right, if they see the writing on the wall and make an attempt – however small – to go for other kind of energies as much as they can, for ever a small drop in the volume of greenhouses gases means that much less heat in the air.
No, they keep on going down the same old route that helps them put their ill gotten money in their pockets at the expense of the world at large.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Modern Day Barbarians

Great civilizations were destroyed by barbarians. America, the seat of modern technological civilization is being consistently undermined by minions of certain vested interests interested in the unbridled use of fossil fuels to gain their avaricious ends. What happens to our environment in the process is no concern to them. Now a diabolic campaign is being conducted by the same barbarians against climatologists who warn us of the impending danger of uncontrolled carbon emissions into the already dying atmosphere.

In the last blog, post EE touched on this subject. In UK this campaign is mostly limited to verbal and written criticism. And these scientists were exonerated from all blame by a committee headed by Sir Muir Russel. But in the good old US of A, climatologists are being threatened with death following the leak of climate leak emails reported in this blog some time ago. To add fuel to this, the police refrain from taking any action against these cowardly bullies. Some scientists are even thinking of carrying hand guns to protect themselves from these criminal elements. One eminent scientist opined that such people are mentally imbalanced. He even wonders whether he should put on a bullet proof vest. He has even unlisted his address and his house is equipped with extra alarms.

Scientists and their work are the foundation of any technological civilization to protect which the greedy elements out to destroy the Earth should be stopped at all costs. The US government should take all steps to protect these scientists so that America as a nation and the world at large can continue to exist.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Climate Scientists Exonerated!

It was only recently that a group of anti-Earth activists termed as climate skeptics accused the scientists of East Anglia University, UK of manipulating as well as suppressing important climate data. Now the Independent Climate Change Email Review headed by Sir Muir Russel, a former British government official has dismissed the claims of these critics whose actions are motivated by pure greed and avariciousness. Sir Muir, after spending many months going through all the submissions of the praiseworthy scientists as well as the villains of the piece came to the happy conclusion that ‘their rigor and honesty as scientists are not in doubt’ which was the accusation leveled against the scientists whose only crime was revealing the real truth about the warming of the Earth. It seems that the only lapse from the part of these scientists was failing to maintain the right measure of openness.

The diabolic critics have concocted a pot-pourie of falsehoods, misunderstandings and conspiracy theories to undermine the noble efforts of the Climatic Research Unit of the university. Most of these scientists suffered untold agonies as a result of these machinations of the carbon emission apologists. Now it is only right that the exoneration should get the same publicity as the adverse propaganda so heinously set in motion by the climate skeptics. Legal measures also should be undertaken to compensate for all that mud-slinging, by taking the conspirators to court.
The whole thing began when henchmen of the climate skeptics hacked into the CRU computers. Then they went on to accuse CRU scientists of withholding temperature data from a host of weather stations and keeping secret the necessary algorithms to process such data. Sir Muir’s review found that all such allegations were unfounded. The whole dark episode was nothing but a vain effort to undermine last year’s Copenhagen summit.

Moral: Truth will ultimately prevail.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Climate Scientists…Well Meaning But Foolish

In their eagerness to warn the world of the dire consequences of environmental degradation, some scientists went a bit far, thereby creating a controversy that raged around the planet for some time. Scholars like Phil Jones, the British climate scientist were one of them. These scientists, by resorting to the dictum that the end justifies the means, did more harm than good to the holy cause of environment.
Now the whole climate science and those who practice them are considered to be liars, suppressors of alternate opinion, and manipulators of information. Consequently many think that things like carbon emissions are a hoax and as such they are playing right into the hands of Lutz in USA and Griffith in England, the notorious apologists for carbon emissions.

Scientists need not engage in such underhand practices to make folk believe what is happening right before their eyes only if they have eyes to see.
The destructive change in climatic patterns, the vanishing of the polar ice caps and the melting of glaciers in the Alps, the Himalayas and elsewhere are there for all to see.
As Gavin.A.Schmidt of the NASA aptly put it, “Climate scientists are paid to do climate science. Their job is not persuading the public.”
The harm these well meaning, but wrongheaded scientists have done is incalculable and unpardonable. Let’s hope that they will learn from this lesson and heed to Mr.Schmidt’s sane advice and stick to their jobs instead or resorting to being amateur PR executives.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Don’t Ignore The Writing on The Wall Mr.Indian PM

The glaciers of the great Himalayas are shrinking fast. Monsoon is playing havoc. Carbon emissions are increasing by leaps and bounds with increased development and industrialization. The numbers of vehicles run by fossil fuels spew out of the assembly lines. The petroleum import costs keep steadily increasing. There is no end to the villain, coal fired power stations. Environmental restrictions remain on paper. Those who are entrusted with the keeping of them are either corrupt on don’t care less.

While progress for progress’ sake is progressing beyond anything, the powers that be are blissfully ignorant of the fact that the folk who suffer most are the downtrodden. Today’s governments are intent on making progress so that a handful of stinking rich can prosper at the cost of the downtrodden masses of India, living in filth and depravity.

EE is not against the rich getting richer as such. But when the haves get richer at the expense of the have-nots, there’s something basically wrong with the system.
It is at such a juncture that the Indian Prime Minister begins to make the appropriate noises. It is a well known fact that after China, India is the worst polluter of the environment in Asia.

Recently the Indian PM stated that, “A modest accord (on carbon emissions) that is fully implemented may be better than an ambitious one that falls seriously short of its targets.”

This shows that India is not ready for any substantial cuts in carbon emissions, but only “modest ones.” The PM hails from Punjab, meaning five rivers and all of which originate from the Himalayas. The state is primarily an agricultural one and when all the Himalayan glaciers melt and the ‘five rivers’ run dry and the Punjabi farmers cannot get enough water to sustain their wheat crops, God help the PM. Punjabis are the kind of folk who doesn’t take everything lying down.

In another context, China with a whopping 25% of world’s carbon emissions is sidling with India whose emissions are only 5%. It will be better for India not to join hands with the Chinese in any field of endeavor, let alone environment. China has annexed a lot of Indian Territory on its southern border and even has the audacity to claim an Indian state for its own. China attacked India at a time they were talking friendship with India. It was somewhat like what the Japanese did at Pearl Harbor.

The Hon’ble Indian PM will be acting wisely if he stops talking about ‘modest cuts’ in carbon emissions and be wary of aligning himself with the untrustworthy Chinese in their machinations to get the maximum concessions from the West in environmental meets. If he does, India won’t be a gainer but China would.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


The cowardly Japanese whalers not only flagrantly violate an internationally accepted whale conservation moratorium to which they themselves are signatories to but also resort to highhanded policies on the high seas. BBC reports that they have wantonly rammed into Adi Gil - a vessel belonging to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society – and cleaved it into two. At the time of this heinous act the small vessel had six unarmed, defenseless people on board. The whole world was shocked by this mindless cruelty and as such a horrible act in the extreme. Surely this is an act of terrorism on a defenseless vessel trying to protest the illegal activities of the monsters aboard the Japanese vessels.
The gritty activists are fighting for the lives of the greatest fauna on earth, the majestic whales. And why do the Japanese hunt them? They do it in the name of research! Blah! And what is the topic of research! Is it to find out how chunks of meat of those poor hapless whales are processed in ‘the gutless’ bellies of those Japanese who are so inhuman as to consume it? And what original research the Japanese do anyway? They take the ideas of the Western scientists, brush up something here, something there and pass of it as their own by manufacturing it wholesale and dumping it on other countries? Now they can’t even do that, their duplicate economy is in shambles, the Chinese and the Koreans are beating them at their own game.