Saturday, November 22, 2008

On A Tangent

On A Tangent

Way back in the past, when Environmental Extremist used to be a student, he happened to read a book called The God That Failed. By God the author meant Communism. The book impressed him very much indeed. The alternate God that remained was and is Capitalism.

Effect of Economic Recession on Environment

One should not feel happy when folk are made to suffer for actions of not their making. Environmental Extremist apologizes to all and sundry for doing so.
The whole world is going thru an economical recession. Many are losing jobs, businesses fail, incomes are slashed, and standard of living is going down. How can one feel happy under the circumstances?
But to all nature lovers this is a blessing in disguise. The recession has reduced consumption of fossil fuels to a considerable extent. So less carbon is emitted into the atmosphere. This will result in a decrease of global warming.
Some futurologists predict that the way mankind is going on now, the Earth will cease to be inhabitable and sooner than later, we will have to return to an agricultural economy.
In hindsight, Industrial Evolution was not a good thing after all.

Bouquets & Brickbats for Japan

A very commendable effort is being made in Japan on behalf of the dying corals of Sekisei Lagoon that lies between the Okinawan Islands of Iriomote and Ishigaki. Headed by Prof.Mineo Akamoto of the Tokyo University of Marine Sciences and Technology in association with the Ministry of Environment, the project aims at doing something that none had attempted before. Thousands of small baby corals are being grown in order to replenish the corals that have been depleted by the warming of the river waters and the resultant increasing incidence of starfish. Again the consequence of human greed aided and abetted by shortsighted politicians of the developed world and developing worlds.

WHILE JAPAN IS ENGAGED IN THIS COMMENDABLE DEED, THE FINE COUNTRY IS ALSO ENGAGED IN A FOUL, DEPLORABLE DEED. The same ministry that wants to repair their immediate environment is closing its eyes to a major crime committed with the connivance of the unfeeling and cruel Japanese authorities. AFP reports that Japanese whalers have started moving towards the Antarctic for BUTCHERING WHALES. The commendable, ever vigilant GREENPEACE activists have noticed the whaling vessel ‘Nisshin Maru’ sailing towards their customary whaling grounds. The voyage is said to last five months, during which a hell of a lot of whales will be cruelly harpooned.
While all other countries have put an end to the heinous practice, Japan alone persists in the wanton killing of the fine creatures. They do it in the name of research, when everyone knows that so-called cultured Japanese want to stuff their bellies with whale meat. Why can’t they do research on lessening carbon emissions spewed out from the millions of motor vehicles that they dump around our sacred Mother Earth.
When groups of animal lovers tried to prevent such ships in their infernal activities, the Japanese termed it ‘Environmental Terrorism.’ Terrorism is deplorable any time, but the kind of terrorism that the Japanese talks about in this respect is EMINENTLY JUSTIFIABLE.
Environmental Extremist knows that organizations like the Greenpeace will make all out efforts to obstruct the Japanese in their deplorable mission.
(The expletives used in this article are meant to refer to all those Japanese who are in one way or other is part of the mindless destruction of whales. To all others it doesn’t apply at all.)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Please Senor Carlos Minc of Brazil

Silver Linings.

Congratulations to a good politician, although with some reservations, Brazil’s Minister of Environment Carlos Minc. Illegal logging is the bane of the Amazon forests. To make things worse, the government had allowed the paving of an Amazon Road. If this materializes a mere muddy track would be paved and broadened into a two lane highway, connecting the jungle cities Porto Velho and Manas. The road in itself will be useful to farmers to get their goods to the markets at a low cost. But environmentalists decry the whole idea. The highway will soon be used by illegal logging companies to decimate the priceless forests. More farmers will move in, more development will take place with what result? More and yet more the decimation of the jungles! Migration will continue in waves to the extreme detriment of virgin forest areas.
The minister has stated that no construction contracts will be awarded for at least for two months. Senor Minc! You will receive kudos from all over the world if you are wise and foreseeing and cancel the contracts for all time. You’ll be the darling of Posterity.

Cry My Beloved Glaciers

Cry My Beloved Glaciers.
As everyone knows, the Ilulissat Glacier of Greenland is supposed to be the most dynamic of all glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere. Nearly a tenth of all icebergs found in and around Greenland is produced by the Ilulissat. And it is very tragic to hear that this great glacier is melting fast. The greed and grasping nature of certain unscrupulous industrialists from around the world are directly responsible for the global warming and the resultant melting of the beloved Ilulissat. Won’t the politicians in control heed the warnings of those who are really in the know and act quickly to save this blue planet from dying?

On the heels of the Ilulissat disaster, it appears that Himalayan glaciers are melting too. The Press Trust of India reports that ‘Glaciers in the Himalayas are receding faster than in any other part of the world. With the poor earth warming at the present date, by the year 2035, the mighty Himalayas will be just a piece of massive rock, barren and dead. Those Indian politicians who cry wolf against ‘nuclear reactors and cry louder to close down all coal burning generators as soon as enough nukes are built. Oh, everybody knows nukes are no answer, but they are the lesser evil and can bring down the carbon emissions to a considerable extent.

Monday, September 15, 2008

If I Could Paint The Environment?

I am not an artist and so quite incapable of producing any creative project in a physical form on my own, but I do can conjure up pictures in my mind and translate them into works of art that can be hung on any wall. I have always been a lover of nature. I spend a lot of time among hills and valleys where nature is at her pristine best. But lately, such locations are at a premium and the main reason for this sorry state of affairs is the depletion of the environment. I believe that the problem, the greatest single problem that humanity faces today is not anything that the politicians have us think. What is in question is our very existence on this earth, our very survival. Man has survived on this planet, even when the great dinosaurs had died out, become extinct. The instinct for survival is the strongest instinct in any living being. Man survived through the ages because of this and also using his superior intelligence and powers of adaptation. And now it is as if man is bereft of his powers of reasoning, it’s as if he has suddenly succumbed to a death-wish. It’s as if, like the lemmings of the tundra, he is hell bent on committing suicide en masse. If we go on in this crazy manner by the turn of the next century, mankind as specie will have become extinct. If we take preventive action with immediate effect and a long term perspective in view, we can arrest this problem now. But the tragic thing about it is the fact that there is only one group of people who can really help in this matter and those are the politicians. In a way, you cannot blame them. All their actions are governed by their tenure of five years sometimes even less in these times of political uncertainty. Their imagination refuses to stretch beyond this time limit, with the result that they cannot or are afraid to make any long-term decision. In the meantime humanity suffers. In spite of the warnings of experts, these politicians refuse to see the problem that is facing all living beings, for what it is. And in collusion with some greedy, grabbing industrialists, they are hell bent on destroying life, the most fragile, the most divine of all things on earth. The warnings of the experts are just scoffed at.
Before too long, our atmosphere will become piss and shit. Depletion of the Ozone layer will cause skin caner. It’s already evident in certain countries of the Northern Hemisphere. Millimeter by millimeter, the sea level is rising and cities lying along the sea - as most of them are - will be inundated, under water. Soon we’ll have to wear oxygen masks as if we are on a lunar landscape. The decimation of forests will bring down the oxygen level and the building of dams will release lethal doses of methane into the already dying environment. And the fact of the matter is that all these processes are under way NOW! And the world suffers in the meantime.
None can deny the fact the artists can help to make this change if he is conscientious enough. Now thanks to the progress in field of visual propagation of ideas, any novel method is widely talked about and intensely discussed. To this end I would do a lot of paintings. It shall be painted in loud, basic colors on large canvasses that can fill a wall like the frescoes of Renaissance Italy. I do not want to make these paintings seem sophisticated and so outside the ambit of the common man. But I shall endow them with enough artistic touch, so that they do not seem too prosaic or mediocre. I prefer the style of the great Spanish painter Salvatore Dali some of whose paintings have helped to make evil things seem shocking and thereby making them abhorrent and in very bad taste. I want to shock the conscience of the world with the kind paintings that would shake them out of their lethargies and wake up into action. I will try to make my works of art shown all across the world, exhibited in museums, universities, public squares and the like, where people has the tendency to flock in large numbers. I will use the good offices of institutions like the United Nations to make this effort worldwide.
I will also seek the help of artists around the globe by requesting them to come forward voluntarily and help in this great cause of maintaining this beautiful orange-blue planet as a haven of beauty and quite free from all those malignant miasmas that pervade the present day environment.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Environmental Doomsday

Pay Heed, for The Brink is At Hand.

The recent article by Carlos Pascual and Strobe Talbot in The Washington Post is an eye opener. The skeptics, ‘the procrastinators and backsliders’ like President Bush do well to read and understand the prophetic article and press themselves into action. Although it is not too late, there is hardly any time left either. Carbon particles in diverse forms continue to be spewed into the already dying atmosphere. The main culprits of the piece are Europe, China and India, led inexorably by the main culprit the US of A. President Bush who could have had a place in history if he had followed a more realistic and wiser policy; instead he chose to follow an “ ‘anti policy’ based on a combination of denial, procrastination and backsliding.”
Under the circumstances the initiative should come from the USA along with Europe, China and India. The whole world tends to follow America. So they should leave off this Pied Piper Syndrome by changing their wasteful way of life drastically and set an example for others to follow.
I have already dealt with the subject in my first post. Actually it is a quote from my novel The Vertical Truth. It is not a work on environment. I have been so constrained by the bleak environmental prospects that loom ahead like doomsday that I made the protagonist mouth those words.
Developing countries like China and India are going all out in their misplaced efforts to attain industrialization, little realizing that their united hands are about to remove the lid off the Pandora’s Box. Inevitably, the Cornucopia they hope to attain will turn out to be a Chimera.
India bemoans the fate of the insipid Nano at Singur in West Bengal without being able to foresee the catastrophe the small car, mass produced to perdition will cause. What we need is not increasing the number of the internal combustion engines that pukes pollution, but to find alternate ways to achieve development goals so that the atmosphere won’t become filled with piss and shit. The ambitious politicians in collusion with some greedy industrialists are hell bent on destroying the delicate balance that keeps the fragile system going. The warnings of the experts are just laughed off.
With what result? Messrs Pascual and Talbot predict that the pride of USA, the Manhattan will be under water. Florida will fare no better. What about the poverty stricken Bangladesh and Mali do when they cannot in any way cope with the overpowering change? The writers rightly warn us that we are on ‘the brink’ and “the world should act quickly if it is to avert a potential catastrophe.”
Let’s hope that whoever wins the presidential race in the USA, “the wisdom of the next president and his fellow leaders around the word plays off in the ultimate reward – survival.” McCain or Obama, the next American president will have to decide with foresight and wisdom so that their coming generations along with all other coming generations can call God’s green Earth home and a safe, inhabitable one at that.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Killing of Dolphins


Dolphins are the most harmless of creatures. They are friendly, gregarious and very playful. We have even heard of instances of the lovely fish rescuing men. But what if somebody tells you that these charming fish are slaughtered. I for one was shocked to my skeleton. To harm them is like killing a mocking bird. So who are the heartless villains who commit such infamous deeds?

It is happening in Vizag on the South Eastern coast of India. The Indian newspaper The Hindu reports that ‘dolphins and sharks may soon disappear from the Bay of Bengal off the Vizag coast.’

After the heartrending ‘Colin episode’, this story is too much to bear.

Dolphins are often seen cavorting playfully along this coast, but sadly few are in evidence these days. And who are the villains of the piece? Mechanized boats according to The Hindu.

A study conducted by researchers based at The Andhra University reveals that the populations of dolphins, like the bottle-nosed and spinner varieties are being depleted at alarmingly proportions. It is true, habitat loss and pollution are some of the causes. But the prime cause lies elsewhere. Commercial fishermen are to blame for this wanton destruction. They catch them along with other kinds of fish.

An increase in the rate of tuna fishing is the contributing cause. Since tuna and dolphins occupy the same locales, presence of the latter is a sure sign of the former. And when these fishermen go in for the kill, they slaughter the dolphins also. These unscrupulous fellows are in the habit of eating dolphin meat and the leftovers are used as bait to catch tuna.

Since they are gregarious, they approach the fishing boats in a playful manner and get caught in the gill and purse-seine nets. No wonder dead dolphins are often washed up on the shore. The presence of the big ships and trawlers and ever increasing port traffic add to the woes of these fine animals. Worst of all, the utter lack of policing activities also contribute to the death of the valuable specimens, according to The Hindu.

I request nature lovers in and around Vizag to take up the matter and do all they can to stop this heinous practice. I request all Indians to protest vociferously through any medium they can so that these fine mammals are left to themselves and is not molested in any way.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Erdogan's Arrogant Speech.

The speech made by the Turkish PM Erdogan recently, smacks of arrogance and ignorance. It is unacceptable.

It is the politicians in power who help to systematically destroy the already eroded environment. They do it in the name of progress. Actually they want to collect the kickbacks from the contractors who translate their plans into action. Those who fight the likes of him do not have the power and position at their disposal. They fight on with little hope of success; they fight on nevertheless in spite of the lousy Erdogans of this world.
The likes of Erdogan are loud-mouthed and vain. It is the environmental activists all over the world who love the Earth and want it saved from perdition. They stand ready to sacrifice anything to gain their goal. And it is the likes of politicians of Erdogan’s ilk who stands stolidly in the way.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Random Thoughts on Environment

Random Thoughts on The Environment
In their own way, superstitions are okay. One can believe or not believe in them. But if one of them is cause for environmental destruction, then we should look into it harder and do something about it.
One such stupid superstition is prevalent in South East Asia, primarily among the Chinese. It is a belief that by consuming certain portions of the anatomy of tigers, one can attain a better hard on. This belief stems from the premise that since the tiger is very macho, gobbling up certain portions of the magnificent animal’s flesh will act as a powerful aphrodisiac and their cocks can gain pornographic nirvana.
This belief is a futile fallacy. It is not based on any scientific evaluation by experts in the field. The erectile tissue will get a fine boost if medications like Viagra and Cialis are administered orally in prescribed doses. And the beautiful animals are saved from an early extinction.
So I request my Chinese friends who are looking for a powerful aphrodisiac, to make a bee line for the friendly chemist around the corner and spare the tiger. And they will have beautiful hard ons that can penetrate even the most impenetrable vagina.
These very same persons, incidentally cause another kind of environmental cruelty. They are crazy about shark fin soup. But please convey this earnest request to those who catch the unfortunate sharks. Tell them not to cut off their fins and throw them back into the sea alive. Be merciful and kill them. Who knows, karmic retribution might follow them through all their coming janmas!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Is Environmental Extremism Justified?

What would you do if somebody violates your mother? Or if you love your country, what would you do, if an alien army invades your motherland, raping your women, killing the children and pillaging your property?
Would you stand with folded hands and watch the tamasha?
Now something greater than your mother, women and possessions are being violated. The mother of all these is crying out for your understanding, your help. Mother Earth who gives sustenance to everything on this beautiful blue globe is being raped, gang raped. And you watch with folded hands and imagine that it is happening to someone else and you are not responsible.
To explain this fully I quote from a novel that I wrote recently. It is not a work about environment at all. Still I make the protagonist mouth the concerns that trouble me constantly.
I quote.
"‘The problem, the greatest single problem that humanity faces today isn’t anything that the politicians have us think. What is in question is our very existence on this earth, our very survival. Man has survived on this planet, even when the great dinosaurs had died out, become extinct. The instinct for survival is the strongest instinct in any living being. Man survived through the ages because of this and also using his superior intelligence and powers of adaptation.’
‘And now it’s as if man is bereft of his powers of reasoning, it’s as if he has suddenly succumbed to a death-wish. It’s as if, like the lemmings of the tundra, he is hell bent on committing suicide en masse. If we go on like this, by the turn of the next century, mankind as specie will have become extinct.’
‘If we take preventive action with immediate effect and a long term perspective in view, we can arrest this problem now. But the tragic thing about it is the fact that there’s only one group of people who can really help and those are the politicians.’
‘In a way, you can’t blame them. All their actions are governed by their tenure of five years sometimes even less in these times of political uncertainty. Their imagination refuses to stretch beyond this time limit, with the result that they can’t or are afraid to take any long-term decisions. In the meantime humanity suffers. In spite of the warnings of experts, the politicians refuse to see the problem that’s facing all living beings, for what it is. And in collusion with some greedy, grabbing industrialists, they’re hell bent on destroying life, the most fragile, the most divine of all things on earth. The warnings of the experts are just laughed off.’
‘Before long, our atmosphere will become piss and shit. Depletion of the Ozone layer will cause skin cancer. It’s already evident in certain countries of the Northern Hemisphere. Millimeter by millimeter, the sea level is rising and cities lying along the sea - as most of them are - will be inundated, under water, in the very near futurre - this is already under way in the beautiful italian city of Venice. Soon we’ll have to wear oxygen masks as if we’re on a lunar landscape. The decimation of forests will bring down the oxygen level and the building of dams will release lethal doses of methane into the already dying environment. And the fact of the matter is that all these processes are under way NOW!’
‘The industrialist pollutes the environment, the politician pollutes the nation.’
‘And the world suffers in the meantime.’
‘I’ve already begun to do something about it. And I’m getting results, but in very slow measure.’
‘Environmental extremism.’
‘…the end does not always justify the means, but sometimes it does.’
‘Not that. That’s not an alternative. Its. It's even called terrorism.’
‘Yeah, maybe. Some dirty Jap used this term when certain daring individuals tried to prevent the hunting of whales by some cruel Japanese.’
‘Come to think of it, it is the terrorism of the future. Folk will die for it and they’ll be dying for a good cause too. Causes like religious and political extremism will die out. What relevance these forms of extremism have when the existence of the very specie hangs in the balance?’
‘Don’t worry. I hope that I’ll never have to resort to such a step. But the option is there all the time, wide open. I’ve the very persons to do it. But I’ll use them only as a last resort. May be I won’t use them at all. But the option is there, ready all the time,’
The protagonist ends the speech thus. 'And I promise you one thing. I’ll make it very difficult for people who are in power who turn a blind eye to the slow destruction of our beautiful, blue planet.’
I think this will do for a starter. If you feel what I believe is right, let us turn into a noble Protector of Mother Earth and fight those who rapes her incessantly.