Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cry My Beloved Glaciers

Cry My Beloved Glaciers.
As everyone knows, the Ilulissat Glacier of Greenland is supposed to be the most dynamic of all glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere. Nearly a tenth of all icebergs found in and around Greenland is produced by the Ilulissat. And it is very tragic to hear that this great glacier is melting fast. The greed and grasping nature of certain unscrupulous industrialists from around the world are directly responsible for the global warming and the resultant melting of the beloved Ilulissat. Won’t the politicians in control heed the warnings of those who are really in the know and act quickly to save this blue planet from dying?

On the heels of the Ilulissat disaster, it appears that Himalayan glaciers are melting too. The Press Trust of India reports that ‘Glaciers in the Himalayas are receding faster than in any other part of the world. With the poor earth warming at the present date, by the year 2035, the mighty Himalayas will be just a piece of massive rock, barren and dead. Those Indian politicians who cry wolf against ‘nuclear reactors and cry louder to close down all coal burning generators as soon as enough nukes are built. Oh, everybody knows nukes are no answer, but they are the lesser evil and can bring down the carbon emissions to a considerable extent.

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