Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hurrah to BVD Co., China.

China is notorious for her carbon emissions. But the great country has done something to compensate for this sin. For it has developed an electric car that seemingly holds great promise. The automaker, BYD Co. Ltd has introduced a car named ‘e 6’. It was in show at the North American International Auto Show held in Detroit recently. It isn’t a small car like most electric cars for it can seat five persons comfortably. And its unique BYD Fe battery enables the car to travel 400km on a single charge.
China has no oil reserves to mention. So she can save hefty sums on oil imports if cars like the ‘e 6’ can take off successfully. On a happy note, it will help reduce the carbon emission to a considerable level.
But carbon spewing developed countries will not develop such cars in a hurry. The oil companies are in cahoots with the auto industry. They don’t want motor vehicles other than fossil fuel driven, gliding along the highways. They don’t care a hoot in saving the environment; they are interested only in the fat profits their evil industries bring them. The way they go on, they’d start shitting on their own dining tables and if the situation warrants it, their own dinner plates.
Hurrah to all those companies that develops the kind of autos that don’t vomit carbon gases. Let those who have that vision and the foresight to save our fragile environment.

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