Sunday, May 31, 2009

Climate Change Affects Our Health Too!

Now doctors too have entered the fray against climate change. Rising temperatures on a global scale is said to play havoc with human health, so the doctors say. Existing patterns of infection will change for the worse, so we are warned. Dengue and malaria will be on the increase.
Added to these will be heat waves and they will recur more often than now, not to mention cyclones, hurricanes and storms that cause floods and the resultant calamities.
Richard Horton, editor of the prestigious medical journal Lancet stated that doctors have totally ignored this issue until now. The ultimate sufferers will be our future generations.
To make matters worse, there will be shortages of water and food. The former alone has caused a lot of armed conflicts in the past according to Prof Hugh Montgomery of the University College, London.
As it often happens, poor people will have to bear the brunt of all these. This does not mean that rich countries like the USA and UK are exempt from this process. Floods, forest fires and the like are almost daily fare for new agencies these days.
A report commissioned by the University College, London says that all the external manifestations of climate change like emission of green house gases, melting of ice sheets, temperature and sea-level rises, ocean acidification and extreme climatic conditions suggest that the forecasts hitherto made my government agencies are conservative to a high degree.
To overcome this negative factor, Prof Costello wants to kill two birds with a single stone. If folk walked or bicycled more and motored less, it would considerably reduce stress, obesity, lung and heart disease and release less carbon into the already dying atmosphere.
A blessing in disguise?


Harmatvirágok said...

I would like to add that by the global warming the main frequency range of Schumann resoance frequencies will increase into higher ranges too .
It means that the resonancy frequency of our Mother Earth will tend rather to the beta state of human mind from the present alfa state of mind. As it is known increased alartness is the characteristic trait of our beta brain wave state. Let us see the consequencies of it.

Environmental Extremist said...
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