Thursday, June 11, 2009

Beware of Traitors

These days when many are worried about the deteriorating environment and its consequences, certain people raise their evil heads here and there, claiming that global warming is a scam, dreamed up some scientists who don’t know what they are talking about. They go on to say that the process of global warming is quite natural and not man-made at all, like everyone else seems to think. They assure us, heating up and cooling down of the atmosphere occur all the time. It only means that Nature is going about her business in her own way. Dontcha worry, old boy, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.
Here, I wish to point out certain home truths to these misguided apologists for carbon emissions – they might even claim like the ignoramuses that they are that since carbon dioxide and monoxide contain oxygen, it will compersate fot the carbon molecules spewed out into the atmosphere. So what’s the problem!
I happen to live in India and have seen the melting glaciers of the great Himalayas. My friends in Europe tell me the same thing is happening there and soon there won’t be any ski slopes left in the Alps and other such areas, fit to ski. The inhabitants of the scenic Maldives are looking elsewhere to migrate when their lovely islands are submerged under the sea forever, through no fault of their own.
A friend of mine, a devout Christian tells me that the end of the world is nigh. All the pestilences, famines, floods and other calamities mentioned in the good book are coming to a pass. He even exhorted me to prepare myself with constant prayers.
Hollywood issues some prophetic movies at regular intervals, depicting what it will be like in the years to come. Such movies show the Earth as bleak, barren and inhospitable – some even say that NASA is looking for worlds to which humans can migrate to, once our planet becomes unfit to live. And many industrialists and politicians watch these movies. But they watch them as something merely entertaining, figments of some scriptwriter’s fertile imagination. But the real fact of the matter is that such scripts are well researched for the fellers who wrote them in the first place, know what they are talking about.
May be the skeptics will believe it when the world becomes ‘The Water World’.
It’ll like Noah’s warning to the world at large. Those who ignore it, do so at their own peril.


Unknown said...

So true....our destiny has been planned long before we even existed. Mother Nature is not foolish...she is simply watching and letting her children make all of the mistakes humanly possible. She will always persevere :)

Shrinath Vashishtha said...

Nice thoughts, gentleman! But, I think you need to do lots to make your thoughts available to readers. Work a bit upon promoting your blog. That's a must!
Keep blogging and keep in touch! Cheers!!!

Port Blair
Andaman & Nicobar Islands (India).

Deviki @ Viki said...

I totally agree with you and Dorothy ......don't take mother nature for granted !!!