Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mistaken Notions on Shark Fins, Tigers

In their own way, superstitions are okay. One can believe or not believe in them. But if one of them is cause for environmental destruction, then we should look into it harder and do something about it.
One such stupid superstition is prevalent in South East Asia, primarily among the Chinese. It is a belief that by consuming certain portions of the anatomy of tigers, one can attain a better hard on. This belief stems from the premise that since the tiger is very macho, gobbling up certain portions of the magnificent animal’s flesh will act as a powerful aphrodisiac and their cocks can gain pornographic nirvana.
This belief is a futile fallacy. It is not based on any scientific evaluation by experts in the field. The erectile tissue will get a fine boost if medications like Viagra and Cialis are administered orally in prescribed doses. And the beautiful animals are saved from an early extinction.
So I request my Chinese friends who are looking for a powerful aphrodisiac, to make a bee line for the friendly chemist around the corner and spare the tiger. And they will have beautiful hard ons that can penetrate even the most impenetrable vagina.
These very same persons, incidentally cause another kind of environmental cruelty. They are crazy about shark fin soup. But please convey this earnest request to those who catch the unfortunate sharks. Tell them not to cut off their fins and throw them back into the sea alive. Be merciful and kill them. Who knows, karmic retribution might follow them through all their coming janmas!


Unknown said...

That is very sad to hear...but it seems like all of the older cultures have something they deem as magical at the expense of human parts or animal parts.
In the more civilized countries people are jailed even executed for doing much less. These older cultures seem to be stuck way before technology ever existed. So who is to say who is right? The civilized worlds do not seem to be doing any better in so many ways. We are desensitizing our children with all of the video games text messaging ect...
I totally agree that we as civilized humans will never understand the more non-civilized humans.

Anonymous said...

I agree. They should be reasonable about putting into practice those ancient beliefs. The more they comply with their old practices, the more they become irresponsible for their environment. I understand that those stuffs are part of their culture, but I just hope that they will think twice before doing them so.

Unknown said...

Wow informative site! keep posting and educating the people. We really need to take care of our Mother Earth.

Syifa said...

i am not agree with this as well. i've ever seen before how they catch shark just to cut their fins then returned them back to the sea.