International Energy Agency or IEA has come out with a statement that makes lovers of the earth happy. In its 2008 forecast on the oil situation, IEA ‘fears’ that oil supplies are dwindling fast, in a way that seems very ironical to Environmental Extremist. Two important countries China and India needs increasing supplies of oil as their economies are growing rapidly. These countries are also guilty of massive carbon emissions into the already dying environment.
The new demand will create a gap between production and supply to the tune of 7 million barrels a day, according to IEA projections, incidentally bringing down a voluminous reduction in carbon emissions, a situation that is cause for celebration. The agency exhorts the countries of the world to shell out $450 billion annually to look for new sources of oil. Environmental Extremist believes that IEA is chasing chimeras by this act of wishful thinking.
IEA forecasts that oil production from all prevailing oil fields to drop by half – such a forecast is music to Environmental Extremist’s ears because the scaling down of the resultant carbon emissions will out to be a real boon for Mother Earth. The agency is of the opinion that the world will need a whopping 64 million barrels a day by 2030.
The hope of finding new oil strikes to keep up with this massive demand might be fulfilled but only by a small fraction of the hoped for by oil cartels. This scenario is highly appreciated by Environmental Extremist, because the less oil produced, the less carbon emissions into the air.
It is said that when a cat drinks milk on the sly, it closes its eyes. The politicians around the world closes their eyes to the fact that incredible volumes of carbon emission is filling the air every minute and by closing their eyes to it like the cat, they hope that the problem will disappear in that instant.
And this ostrich approach prevents them from pursuing all alternate energy sources on a war footing until that objective is achieved within as short a time frame as possible. Instead they are still hoping for the miracle of finding fresh oil fields in the hundreds so that their main sponsors the auto and oil barons are kept happy and satisfied.
Oh! World leaders who is going to Copenhagen, IT IS TIME TO SEE THE WRITING ON THE WALL AND TO TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION. If you keep on your present policy of kowtowing to the oil and auto barons, the future generations will curse you so that your progeny for a thousand generations will stay cursed.
Leaders of the world on the way to Copenhagen, only you can prevent Mother Earth from becoming a sewer for future generations – among them your own grand and great grand children – to wallow in like pigs. It is the humble request of Environmental Extremist and thousands like him to end all kind of pollution especially carbon emission. So ACT NOW WITH RESPONSIBILITY, FOREKNOWLEDGE, VISION AND WISDOM and make Copenhagen a resounding success.
The coming generations will forever be grateful to you if you save them from the inevitable catastrophe.
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I still hold onto some hope that our so called World Leaders will step back a bit and relinquish the old adage of Governing for thy people as opposed to Governing for thyself!
The entire worlds environment is at risk of being destroyed for what...power and they not read the bible at all...can thy not read and acknowledge history repeating itself?
I shudder to think that we are being Governed by the most selfish and power driven minds.
Great awareness post once again :)
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