Thursday, June 18, 2009

Is Extremism A Good Idea?

What would you do if somebody violates your mother? Or if you love your country, what would you do, if an alien army invades your motherland, raping your women, killing the children and pillaging your property?
Would you stand with folded hands and watch the tamasha?
Now something greater than your mother, women and possessions are being violated. The mother of all these is crying out for your understanding, your help. Mother Earth who gives sustenance to everything on this beautiful blue globe is being raped, gang raped. And you watch with folded hands and imagine that it is happening to someone else and you are not responsible.
To explain this fully I quote from a novel that I wrote recently. It is not a work about environment at all. Still I make the protagonist mouth the concerns that trouble me constantly.
I quote.
"‘The problem, the greatest single problem that humanity faces today isn’t anything that the politicians have us think. What is in question is our very existence on this earth, our very survival. Man has survived on this planet, even when the great dinosaurs had died out, become extinct. The instinct for survival is the strongest instinct in any living being. Man survived through the ages because of this and also using his superior intelligence and powers of adaptation.’
‘And now it’s as if man is bereft of his powers of reasoning, it’s as if he has suddenly succumbed to a death-wish. It’s as if, like the lemmings of the tundra, he is hell bent on committing suicide en masse. If we go on like this, by the turn of the next century, mankind as specie will have become extinct.’
‘If we take preventive action with immediate effect and a long term perspective in view, we can arrest this problem now. But the tragic thing about it is the fact that there’s only one group of people who can really help and those are the politicians.’
‘In a way, you can’t blame them. All their actions are governed by their tenure of five years sometimes even less in these times of political uncertainty. Their imagination refuses to stretch beyond this time limit, with the result that they can’t or are afraid to take any long-term decisions. In the meantime humanity suffers. In spite of the warnings of experts, the politicians refuse to see the problem that’s facing all living beings, for what it is. And in collusion with some greedy, grabbing industrialists, they’re hell bent on destroying life, the most fragile, the most divine of all things on earth. The warnings of the experts are just laughed off.’
‘Before long, our atmosphere will become piss and shit. Depletion of the Ozone layer will cause skin cancer. It’s already evident in certain countries of the Northern Hemisphere. Millimeter by millimeter, the sea level is rising and cities lying along the sea - as most of them are - will be inundated, under water, in the very near futurre - this is already under way in the beautiful italian city of Venice. Soon we’ll have to wear oxygen masks as if we’re on a lunar landscape. The decimation of forests will bring down the oxygen level and the building of dams will release lethal doses of methane into the already dying environment. And the fact of the matter is that all these processes are under way NOW!’
‘The industrialist pollutes the environment, the politician pollutes the nation.’
‘And the world suffers in the meantime.’
‘I’ve already begun to do something about it. And I’m getting results, but in very slow measure.’
‘Environmental extremism.’
‘…the end does not always justify the means, but sometimes it does.’
‘Not that. That’s not an alternative. Its. It's even called terrorism.’
‘Yeah, maybe. Some dirty Jap used this term when certain daring individuals tried to prevent the hunting of whales by some cruel Japanese.’
‘Come to think of it, it is the terrorism of the future. Folk will die for it and they’ll be dying for a good cause too. Causes like religious and political extremism will die out. What relevance these forms of extremism have when the existence of the very specie hangs in the balance?’
‘Don’t worry. I hope that I’ll never have to resort to such a step. But the option is there all the time, wide open. I’ve the very persons to do it. But I’ll use them only as a last resort. May be I won’t use them at all. But the option is there, ready all the time,’
The protagonist ends the speech thus. 'And I promise you one thing. I’ll make it very difficult for people who are in power who turn a blind eye to the slow destruction of our beautiful, blue planet.’
I think this will do for a starter. If you feel what I believe is right, let us turn into a noble Protector of Mother Earth and fight those who rapes her incessantly.

Labels: Environment, Extremism, Pollution


Admin said...

Excellent post. Yes, we all need to care for our mother earth. Its high time that we all take initiatives to protect our mother earth from such disasters.

Unknown said...

Very well said.
Until the people go back to caring about the people...this world will continue on a downward slide.

The pendulum has shifted to a point where it is all self serving and filled with the temptations of greed and power.
No longer are people an issue nor a priority any more. This is where it must take a change in its course!

Cynths said...

Great post. This will open the ears of people to the call of Mother nature. More power to this blog!

Ellie Great said...

I love your post. Well done.

Whisper said...

great article. thank God your posts are not as laconic as mine ;)

R V said...


Stephen said...

In my opinion, I dont like to be exreme. Just moderate is enough.

Syifa said...

a very good post. we can start it immediately from our self.

Anonymous said...

Diwakar, I understand your cry for mankind and apreicate it. It's very silly how humans -mainly governments and owners of factories- are treating the environment in a bad way.

Anyway I just wonder, do you think that the Copenhagen Global Climate Change Conference will make a difference? This is by the way was the theme of Earth Hour 2009. Check About Earth Hour

As to answer your question, I believe that being moderate in everything is what I seek; being extremist to the far right or left in any subject doesn't suite me.

Anonymous said...

Your post deeply touched my heart. Your care with mother earth is the sharing of the love. Your verses enabled me to look at the blooming fields of my country more attentively, to hear the beauty of my surroundings better than prior. Thank you for the awakening.

alom_doank said...

nice post and good site thanks for sharing,

alom_doank said...

nice and good post,and good idea,thanks for sharing!

paramveer said...

EXCELLENT MOTIVATION SIR!...I too believe so. we all must have some stand on the matters related to environment protection.

Tornado_strikes said...

That was excellent Diwakar Ji. I am glad I ever came across you. Will stay in touch. I have volunteered for green peace a couple of times myself. I protested against the genetically modified crops in delhi.

I must say you are doing a commendable job here. Mother earth needs more sons like you. I shall strive to walk in your foot steps.

Yeah about that dinosaur thing. They prowled the face of earth for some 100s of millions of years. Human beings are the latest (1 million years) and probably one of the shortest time inhabitants on earth. Even with this short stay we have managed to gain a distinction of scripting our own extinction unlike any other species.

Viyoma said...

Too good...words from the heart, come up very strong!

Unknown said...

It really is about time that the human race stopped just taking from Mother Earth without trying to in some way give something back to her. Great Post.


Larger than Life said...

i am at your side those who do not care for the only mother land should be aware of the fact that without a mother there is no sign of the child so we still have time to save the homely planet Earth.

Abdul Jaleel said...

Your opinion is correct. We must protect our world otherwise we can’t live here long